Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Upcoming Shinpiden Reiki III class: May 22-24, 2010

Upcoming Shinpiden Reiki III class:
Yoga By The Sea, Roberts Creek BC
Saturday to Monday: May 22-24, 2010

Dear friends,

It has been brought forefront to my attention the conflicting dates with upcoming Shinpiden workshop. I have advertised as three days, May 22-24, yet Yoga By The Sea states two days May 22-23. Both are correct in their own space. I have booked YBTS for the two days, but would like to combine an outside activity for the third day. We will need the full three days to complete the level.

I have priced this workshop at $350, which is really a 2 day price. I am happy to leave it at this for three days as you are my charter Level III students and I am delighted to be making the first run.
From here my prices will rise to $450 for three days.

Accommodation is $50 per night. Please feel free to arrive later on Friday, or early Saturday morning. I will supply beds, linens, and food. Please feel free to bring a dish along to add to our menu, and be prepared to share kitchen duties. Group food preparation is always fun!!!

You will find the weather up here to be a bit cooler and damper than Vancouver, please bring some woollies just in case. However overall the weather up here at present is spectacular.

During this workshop we will overview the Five Precepts, the Three Diamonds, and both Shoden and Okuden. We will then move into the Symbol and Mantra for Shinpiden, plus you will learn how to do a Rei-ju (Reiki blessing, forerunner to the attunement). Our focus will be on deepening your practice, in order to deepen and widen your access to source and true self. This in itself will access stronger levels of source energy for healing and personal growth.

I look forward to receiving you for a truly transformative experience.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have further questions.


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